Welcome to your Sub 2 Hour Training Programme. You may have run this distance before or be wanting to challenge your current personal best. Or this may be the first time you have run this distance and would like to aim towards this timeframe. A few things first to check in with before you begin: Are you currently able to run a 10km distance comfortably? Have you run 10km in under 55mins? If the answer is yes to the above, you are already starting in a fantastic place. The aim of this programme is to safely support you along this journey, ensuring you get to the start line of that half marathon safely and (fingers crossed) with no / minimum injuries. The 12 weeks have been separated into 3 phases: 1. Threshold & Strength =along with easy & long runs, you will be mostly working on Threshold paces over these 4 weeks, along with what "easy" runs mean and how to pace your long runs. It will also be the first phase of your strength and mobility training. 2. Speed & Strength Progression = intervals will be being introduced, working more on your anaerobic power and faster cadences. Strength will be being progressed during this phase. 3. Endurance & Building Confidence = longer reps of work, especially in the long runs. A mixture of Fartlek and Threshold training to support you towards race day. This phase will also include your 2week Taper. TOP TIP: It's best if you aim to start your plan on a Monday so that your longs runs take place on a Sunday.