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Running a 10k? Here are 3 Tips to Remember

Updated: 6 days ago

Female runner running on road

The 10k is a special distance, long enough to need some endurance in your legs. Short enough to know you’re going to cover ground fast. Remind yourself now, there will be moments where the discomfort spills over.

Whether it’s chasing your first crack at the distance, or trying to set a new PB, here are the top three 10k running tips to remember:

1. Break it down

In both training and on race day find a way to slice your efforts into manageable chunks. If things feel like they’re getting away from you lean on self talk: ”I only need to get through this next effort”. When you finish, put it behind you, it’s on to the next one and the next one. Focusing on what’s immediately in front of you instead of the greater task (distance) is a vital skill to develop.

2. You only have to be ready on Race Day

I’m paraphrasing advice a coach gave me but it remains perfect for all distances. You don’t need to able to run 10km at your race pace in week 1. You do have to be able to do it 12 weeks later on the start line. Give yourself time & space to make progress, don’t expect to be there in week 1, if you are, then your goals aren’t lofty enough.

3. Remember your ABC’s

When it comes to goal setting you can’t rely on your ‘A’ goal. We dream of smashing PBs, but set yourself up so you always have something to aim for, even if today isn’t your ‘A’ day…

For example:

A Goal - Sub-40 Mins

B Goal - Run a PB

C Goal - Finish the Race

It may sound obvious, but if you only have an A goal and realise you aren’t going to reach it then we invite self doubt. When we start to doubt ourselves it’s easy to give up or ease off. There’s always something to learn so make sure you’re setup to take a win from race day.

Looking for some more 10k training plan guidance? View Coach Justin's 10k plans here.

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