A Full-Body MOT
Suitable for those suffering with an injury, dealing with recurring niggles or for someone looking to completely optimise their physical performance. An expert screens all the major structures, nerves and joints to identify asymmetries and understand how the body functions.
Biomechanics is the analysis of movement and can be split into 2 categories: 1) Extrinsic – The study of movement and forces using observation. For example, looking at squat technique using a camera. Technique is then corrected based on what we believe to be the most superior anatomical form for that movement.
2) Intrinsic – The assessment of internal structures that affect the body’s movement patterns. For example, looking at how someone’s leg-length discrepancy can explain poor squatting technique. The body is a master of compensation and intrinsic factors may go undetected with an extrinsic assessment.
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